Check out After School BOOST in this quick video!
After School
Our goal with After School BOOST is to provide all students, boys and girls, opportunities for success in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains of learning while creating a positive learning environment that ultimately prepares students for life ahead.
Kindergarten through fifth grades will participate in a variety of activities lead by our exceptional staff to keep them active, healthy, motivated, and on-track with their school work. Together, we can create a culture of children excited about learning and physical fitness! We look forward to serving and working with you.
We are currently transporting from Harpeth Valley Elementary and Westmeade Elementary. Our After School program is open to the public, so homeschoolers and anyone who attends any other school is welcome to join us!
After School BOOST runs Monday through Friday and follows the MNPS calendar for scheduling.
$200 Supply Fee due at time of enrollment
Autopay is required.
For more information
Create your KidCheck account HERE! KidCheck is our secure children's check-in software that we use to help us keep your children safe. Creating your account ahead of time makes check-in at your first class quick and smooth.
FAQ about our After School program
What is After School BOOST?
After School BOOST is a high-energy after care program that keeps kids moving. Kids will also work on homework, enjoy snack time, group games, crafts, and other physical activities.
What are the perks to being in BOOST Gymnastics' After School program?
Recreational Gymnastics and Dance Classes will be discounted $20 off each month.
We can take care of all extra curricular activities while in our care (gymnastics, dance, swim lessons).
How old does my child have to be in order for ASB to transport him/her from school?
Your child must be in Kindergarten and 5 years old for transportation.
How do I sign up my child for transport & non-transport?
Email us at to enroll!
Complete the After School Enrollment Packet.
Pay your activity fee of $200.
How do I pick up my child from After School BOOST?
Upon arrival, each child will be checked into our KidCheck system. The person picking up the child from ASB must be an authorized guardian and present a photo ID to the After School coach before any child will be released.
What time is arrival and dismissal?
ASB is offered Monday through Friday from 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. during the school year. The children’s arrival takes place between 3:05-3:45, depending on the release time of each school. All children should be picked up no later than 6:00 p.m.
What if I am late for pick up?
Just give us a call and let us know! We completely understand that things happen. We will have a coach stay with your child until you arrive. There is a $15 fee for anyone who is 15 minutes late picking up their child, and a $1 fee for every minute after, until you arrive.
What if my child does not need to be picked up from school?
If your child is enrolled in our transportation-provided groups from Harpeth Valley or Westmeade Elementary, but does not need to be transported from school on a certain day, you must notify BOOST by 1:00 p.m. each day. This can be in the form of an email to the front desk at, or by contacting Coach Tyler directly. If your child will be routinely absent one day a week for activities such as tutoring, school plays, etc., you can inform the front desk of the day and duration, and this will alleviate the necessity of calling each week. We ask you to do this so we can better ensure the safety of the children riding our vans. FAILURE TO NOTIFY ASB BY 1:00p WILL RESULT IN A $20.00 FEE. There are no refunds or credits for absenteeism.
What is the policy when my child is sick?
If your child has any of the following symptoms, he/she will not be allowed to attend ASB until the symptoms and/or fever have been gone for at least 24 hours.
Upper respiratory
Or other major illness
If your child exhibits signs of illness in ASB, we will call you or another authorized person to pick up your child within one hour from the time we contact you. We cannot release your child to anyone other than authorized guardians listed on your KidCheck account.
Can my child do her homework while attending the ASB?
Yes. Each day children will be given a 30-40 minute break. During this time, every child is given the opportunity to pick their activity, including: homework, read, draw/color, do puzzles, or play board games.
Does ASB offer my child an after school snack?
Yes. We offer a healthy snack option and water for each child.
What happens when there is no school?
ASB will be closed on school holidays or teacher in-service days; however, BOOST will offer Camps for your child to attend on those days. You must register for these camps in advance to reserve your spot. *Camp After Care throughout the school year is included in ASB tuition, but you must reserve your spot ahead of time.
How does ASB discipline?
At ASB, discipline consists of positive reinforcement, redirection, and breathing time. Our discipline will be individualized and will be appropriate of each child’s age. We do not believe in humiliating, ridiculing, rejecting, or yelling at a child. We never allow physical punishment under any circumstance.
What should my child wear during ASB?
Each child is welcome to wear their school uniform/clothes, but they are also welcome to bring a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt to wear each day. This attire can be safer for the children and much more comfortable, but it is not required.
Is there a discount for ASB students who want to take gymnastics/dance classes?
Yes. All recreational gymnastics classes and dance classes are discounted to $65.00 each class.
Does ASB offer a sibling discount?
Unfortunately, we do not offer a sibling discount for ASB students.
What is the preferred method of communication?
Please make sure we have a current phone number and email address on file, as these are our main forms of communication.
How do I check my child out?
The attendance of each gymnast is tracked by using our KidCheck system. The coach will sign in the child at the facility when the child arrives from school. The child will only be released to the approved guardian with the guardian receipt or a photo ID for pickup. To ensure our children’s safety, ASB keeps a file of names, addresses, and phone numbers of people authorized to pick up each child in case of an emergency. The file is based on information provided on your enrollment forms and in the KidCheck system.
My child takes medication every day. What is ASB’s policy for this?
For the safety of your child, we cannot dispense medication. Over-the-counter medication will never be dispensed to children.
In case of injuries and emergencies, what policies does ASB follow?
At ASB, we make every effort to ensure your child’s safety, though we cannot guarantee that accidents will not occur. In case of a serious accidental injury, you will be contacted immediately. If you cannot be reached, we will call the authorized person you have indicated in the enrollment packet to make medical emergency decisions about your child. A signed emergency medical release is necessary to insure prompt medical attention. If we cannot reach anyone, your child will be transported to the nearest hospital of your choice, and recommendations of the attending physician will be followed. ASB will have a designated person stay with your child until you arrive.
What is the safety policy while transporting my child from school to ASB?
All children transported by ASB must adhere to safety rules. Children must remain seated, wear a seatbelt, and follow the staff’s directions at all times. Because of our safety requirements, any violation of this transportation policy may result in the restriction of your child riding in the vehicle. Due to the seriousness of our safety concerns, we will notify parents immediately of any discipline problems that occur in our vehicles.
Can parents stay and observe?
Parents are always welcome to observe our daily activities with supervision as long as it does not interfere with our daily programming or distract our participants. We are happy to talk to you about the policies and procedures of ASB. If there are any concerns or questions, please make an appointment with our Executive Director, Brynn Crady (
If you have a question that isn't listed, please reach out to us and ask.